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The Well is thrilled to announce that SOE Maureen Wild, SC will be the recipient of the 2023 Sacred Universe Award. This award, first presented to Thomas Berry in 1993, and initiated by Mary Southard, CSJ, and John Surette, SJ, honors leaders in the field whose work and life foster mutually-enhancing human-earth relationships. Please join us for this special occasion to honor Maureen, who will accept the award virtually and give a talk at this event. Her talk is entitled COSMOLOGICAL BEINGS IN A SACRED UNIVERSE. It is offered as a hybrid event: with in-person option at The Well Spirituality Center, LaGrange, IL, and on zoom. Thurs, May 18 • 4:30-6pm (Pacific Time) • 5:30-7pm (Mountain Time) • 6:30-8pm (Central Time) • 7:30-9pm (Eastern Time) • 8:30-10pm (Atlantic Time)

  • Date:05/18/2023 06:30 PM
  • Location 1515 Ogden Avenue, LaGrange Park, IL, USA (Map)
  • More Info:The Well Spirituality Center


Throughout our life, what encounters and moments of grace foster our awakening to, and expanding consciousness of the whole universe as sacred? In her talk Maureen will take us on her own personal journey, citing from childhood encounters in nature, to young adult in her quest for a deeper sense of humanity's meaning and purpose, and her encounters with enlightened and great teachers such as Sister, scientist Rosalie Bertell, cultural historian, geologian, and monk Thomas Berry, and inspiring orators of our cosmic story in Sister Miriam MacGillis and Brian Swimme. Her chosen spiritual-ecology path opened up many wonderful connections, bringing companions and mentors (primary among them Sisters of Earth), to whom Maureen will pay tribute. 

Maureen Wild, SC 
Maureen’s graduate studies (MEd '93) focused on Living Cosmology and Sacred Ecology, leading her to create many educational programs and retreats. She served as Director of two spirituality-based ecological learning centers: Genesis Farm, NJ, and the Centre for Earth and Spirit, BC, which she co-founded. Blessed with many great teachers throughout her life, one most enduring influence was Thomas Berry who oriented all to a sacred universe, inspired intimacy and presence with the Earth community, and challenged all to live a life of Great Work that fosters a mutually beneficial human-Earth relationship. Maureen has helped foster the international network Sisters of Earth since 1994, and is among those featured in Green Sisters: A Spiritual Ecology by Sarah McFarland.

Coming in the Fall:
The Well will host Maureen to guide a 4-part virtual retreat series Sep/Oct/Nov: To Love Our Sacred Earth.  

Full description, dates, and to register:  click here 

or call The Well at 708-482-5048