"Everything about us seems to be absorbed into a vast celebratory experience." ~ Thomas Berry. Conference Elements: • commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the Sisters of Earth Network • experience the theme Celebration Everywhere! with the entire sacred universe 'as celebration' … and our weekend as a kind of cosmic liturgy! • do this through music, earth-prayer, guided reflection, poetry, creative expression, conversations & networking

  • Date:08/22/2024 07:00 PM - 08/25/2024 12:00 PM
  • Location Online Event


Click to read our Conference Flyer

Conference Model and Invitations:

•     a Virtual Conference connecting us internationally via Zoom 

•     encouragement and option to gather regionally for sharing the experience together

•     an invitation to submit your venue as a site for some to gather in-person, while with full internet access to the weekend zoom sessions.  Submit your venue invitation to Maureen no later than April 30th:  mawild@telus.net  Include: venue address, #s that can be accommodated, contact person for more info. Note: Additional venues will be advertised to the Sisters of Earth network via an email round robin in May.


1. An invitation from Green Mountain Monastery (Greensboro, VT) to extend this conference experience to include a special anniversary retreat on the land to celebrate the 15th Anniversary since the death of Thomas Berry (he is buried there), the 25th Anniversary of Green Mountain Monastery, and the 30th Anniversary of the Sisters of Earth network.  
Dates: Aug 20-25  Contact Green Mountain Monastery or email Sr. Gail: srgailw@gmail.com
Accommodations:  up to 15 Sisters of Earth can be accommodated between the monastery and a local lodge called 'The Barn'

2. An invitation from The Well Spirituality Center (LaGrange Park, IL), and home of Mary Southard, CSJ and Sisters of Earth Co-Founder.
Dates: Aug 22-25
Gathering Space/Accommodation: The Well can seat as many as 40 Sisters of Earth for in-person gathering. A limit of15 overnight rooms are available.
For costs and more information email Evelyn:  ELobo@csjoseph.org

3. Franciscan Sisters Lucy Slinger and Karen Kappell invite up to 5 people to join them in the staff residence at St. Joseph Ridge.  This is where the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration own 200 acres of tillable and wooded farmland in the Driftless region of La Crosse Wi.  It is beautiful countryside for hiking, forging, gardening, birdwatching and many other nature filled experiences.  There are also 3 hermitages on site that can be reserved through the Franciscan Spirituality Center located in La Crosse, WI.  Please contact Sr. Lucy if you would like to stay at this site for the SOE conference. phone 608-797-5269  
Dates:  Aug 22-25.  Email Sr. Lucy:  lslinger@fspa.org
Other:  Free will offering/donation is all we ask and participation in dialogues around presented topics.



A. Full Price: $100 USD (incl membership) or $120 CAD (incl membership)
This is the price that covers honoraria for speakers, technical support services, and other conference expenses.

B. Discounted Price:  $50 USD (incl membership) or $60 CAD (incl membership)
This payment option is priced 50% less that the value of the full price for the event. We encourage you to use this option if the full price feels too high for your household or income level.

C. Supporter Price:  This option allows those who can pay more than the full price to support those who cannot afford that price, and help support those given scholarships. Consider using your privilege to increase access for others while also helping to support future Sisters of Earth events.

D. Scholarship and Free Access:
Partial or Full Scholarship (includes membership fee).  The scholarship program allows us to offer access to our events on an individual basis. We welcome inquiries. Email Maureen: mawild@telus.net

To request a scholarship, please fill out the form at this link:  Scholarship Request Form


To Register:

Option 1
Autofill your Registration Form on this page:
Sisters of Earth Conference Registration

Option 2
Print and complete this form. Or use ADOBE Acrobat to fill in the PDF format.
SOE Conference Registration Form_FINAL.pdf
Scan or take a photo of completed form, and email it to soe.register@gmail.com

To Renew or Apply for Membership Only:

Option 1:
Autofill:  Sisters of Earth Membership Form
Mail your membership fee as directed on the form.  Thank you.

Option 2:
SOE Membership Form_FINAL.pdf
Download and complete this form.  Email it to soe.register@gmail.com
Mail your membership fee as directed on the form.  Thank you.